peahen|peahens in English



female peacock

Use "peahen|peahens" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peahen|peahens" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peahen|peahens", or refer to the context using the word "peahen|peahens" in the English Dictionary.

1. A child was feeding the peahen in the zoo.

2. The peahens have merely been seduced rather than won.

3. Any peahens reading this might begin to recognize their dilemma.

4. A peacock displays its magnificent tail feathers to attract peahens.

5. What is more, most of the peahens choose the same male.

6. No, the peacock's tail results from the mating choices made by peahens.

7. A peahen, on the other hand, does not even get such protection.

8. The peahen is somewhat fussy, but she has a weakness for show-offs.

9. Peahens, however, refuse to abandon their chicks, even in the face of the gravest danger.

10. Might the peahens not have perfectly good direct reasons for choosing as they do?

11. Each peahen is on a treadmill and dare not jump off lest she condemn her sons to celibacy.

12. Peahens prefer long trains, he said, because of an innate aesthetic sense-which is no answer at all.

13. Peahens survey several males and take their time over their decision, allowing each to parade his tail to best advantage.

14. In some cases their beauty serves to attract the opposite sex. A peacock unfolds his iridescent train, for instance, to attract a peahen.

15. Had mother been seen, it might well have been our end and hers, mother peahens refuse to abandon the nest even in the gravest danger.